The lecture by Prof. Sethu Raman was very much about philosophy of design. We learnt a lot of things about approach to design.
He gave example of sparrow. The trapped sparrow in a dark room didn’t know to get out of room by windows because it doesn’t decide the way by sensing light but the wind. So when he opened the door the sparrow got out from the door. From that example I learnt that designer should concern much about the others’ views. Design produces empathy to others.
He further said that we have the knowledge about the world through sensing so called experience. He gave the example of i-Pad that is latest gadget by apple inc. It has been derived and evolved from past gadgets of apple like i-Phone and i-Pod. That device is adapting it self for our better experience.
He said that core of design is planning.
He explained about our brain. He said our right brain stores our sensational experiences and our left brain works like CPU that does analytical tasks. He gave example of learning process of bicycle riding. The experience of riding is continuously being updated in our right brain. Our mirror neurons are being adapted for the memorizing the repetitive activity. Thus we gradually learn to ride the bicycle. He further said that it’s only human who can fantasize and visualize. Visualization is essential for the designer to innovate and perceptions.
He told about good design. He said design must be done in context. In earlier time form was function but now form is just expression. He said product should be like story that narrates its own story.
He said that a designer should always be open and ready to absorb from the environment, should be humble and should be enthusiastic to lead design to the best state.